Monday, February 21, 2005

Period three - 3


Anonymous said...

Period 3 said that a song contest didn't make sense because no one would care what the songs said if they didn't sound good.

"It isn't about what your generation wants, it should be about our generation and what we want."

They said that Earth Day was nerdy and no one cared. Earth Day is not really for kids.

They wouldn't mind doing a talent show but they didn't want it to be about Earth Day.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Earth Day is not nerdy and it can be for kids, you just have to really think down into details. For instance, the adults could have there poetry thing while the kids have something like a contest with building things out of recycled cans, plastic bottles,ect. The kids could also have drawing contests to see who draws some really cool nature pictures and those pictures could put up in the office or the library. Just think of Earth Day as a really big birthday.
While your at it why don't you go plant a tree!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the last comment someone wrote:
"…have something like a contest with building things out of recycled cans, plastic bottles, ect".

I'm not too keen on this idea. It doesn't seem to me that it "makes a difference" because you throw away the project after Earth Day is over, so does it really accomplish anything? (more trash for the land fills)

I wondered if it might be a better idea to have kids try to design a product that is "earth friendly.” I did a Google search for "earth friendly products" and it was hard to find good examples of what I mean, but I did find one, “ceramic & glass tiles” that were being made from recycled materials.

I thought that was pretty cool. What other product ideas could students come up with? I'm up to my three paragraph limit so I'll stop now. Can anyone else think of some "earth friendly"products?

Anonymous said...

This is very true no one would listen to a song if it sounds horrible.A song contest would be cool and we could hold it on earthday if you want a contest really bad.

Anonymous said...

It's not that I want a contest, what I want is for you all to find something to do for Earth Day that is meaningful to you. That's all.

I think Earth Day is a time set aside to think about what we can do to preserve our heritage: the skies, water, forests, the things that make our country a wonderful place to live. We can lose these things if we take them for granted and forget to protect our natural resources from misuse.

I want to see your generation begin to take an active roll in that process. Do these things matter to you? Do you not share this responsibility too?

That's all I asking you...

Anonymous said...

Personally as a student at lcms I am one of the ones that actually cares about the enviroment. The only reason I started caring about the enviroment was when my dad joined the Surfrider Foundation.
6126 from first

Green said...

What is Surf-Rider Foundation?
M. Anderson

Anonymous said...
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