Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A F F L U E N Z A !

A point in the video, "Affluenza" stressed that :
Americans like to shop.
Many of those items end up in the trash.

In the 2nd video that we saw where
an entire house had been built with

Good idea or bad idea?
Would you want to live in this house?
Why or why not?
Are there some things
you liked about this house?
Are there some things
you didn't like about this house?
Are there some things
you think are important to consider?
Write a minimum of one paragraph
to discuss your point of view.

To get credit, be sure to include your student number and initials.


Anonymous said...

I think that living in a house made in completely recycled materials would be pretty cool. Having solar panels to reduce you bills for water and such. I was just wondering about how much it would cost to run the whole house. Shouldn't they have made it smaller to save recycled materials or were they just making it big to "WASTE" recycled materials. I mean that if they made it smaller, they could make more and more of the smaller houses.

ZRD 6306

Anonymous said...

Bradley Thomas 6326
We watched the viedo, and we had a debate about earthday. Well it helped us to see how we really could make a differece. Wow! Who would have thought of a recyled house. It is amazing how one could save so much money on ONE house. The house itself was huge it colud have been smaller to conserve money. The house was also a bit guaty it was tacky they needed to move the solar panels over to the backyard.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do agree with the movie. American's definitely use up a good portion of resources when unneeded, and I do agree that we spend about a full year of our lives watching commercials. The U.S should be focusing more on environmental stuff instead of more shopping malls. I never really realized how many trees and animal habitats are being knocked down for more malls.
This doesn't mean that I am anti-shopping and I don't go to the mall, it just means that I agree that we should cut back on it =)

Anonymous said...

Alex Diaz 6305
I think it was a good idea to build a house made out of recycled materials. Yet I am not sure whether it would be able to withstand hurricane force winds and such. I liked the fact that it ran on solar energy and had house hold items that reduced energy costs. Now I would buy the houseif it was a tad bit smaller, because the house itself seemed too large.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

N H 6615 The video on affluenza made a very good point. People in the United States love to shop. Commercials and adds affect alot of our consumer impulses. Ads use sayings like "Buy This Product And Be Cool". Most people will buy the item just to fit in with thier friends. But now adds are being posted around schools. Most of these adds include fatening foods and drinks. All in all I think ads should be toned down a notch. If ads were not as attention grabbing and tempting, America would be a mutch better country.
(Edited by M. Anderson)

Green said...

But what do you think about the house? Do you think it is possible to make products that we typically consume out of recyled materials? Would you be willing to buy a house that was made from recycled materials? What are some questions you would need answered? What about a bike? Would you buy a bike or a car that was made with recycled materials?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

M.R. 6624
The affluenza was a very informative video. I learned that even though we may not notice it, ads & commercials are taking over our daily lifes. Commercials metion ways to get popular, pretty, rich, etc. just to sell a product. America does spend a huge amount of money on shopping, which is becoming part of our basic routines. To sum up, Affluenza is quite true and if America tries, we can resist these attention grabbing commercials, and cheap ads on television together.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that living in a house made from recycled materials is a really cool idea. It would probably be cheaper to buy or to live in.Although, I would be afriad that the house would fall apart or decay throughout the year. Espically if there was a major hurricane or storm that hit where I lived. But if it was garenteed that the house would not decay under any condition I would totally buy the house. And I think that people should make more houses with recycled material.

Anonymous said...


Green said...

Don't forget to put your student number and your initials. This is a repost for a student. 6321 AMR said...

Hey. I think the house made up of recycled materials was pretty cool. I think it would be more expensive to make a house of all recycled materials would be expensive. First, you would have to pay for the materials to be reecycled and then you would have to construct the house. It could not be the same type of construction because since its different materials you would have to use different tools and that's too complicated. Yeah the house would be better for the enviroment and it would be livable but it would be too annoying to make.

But otherwise I thought the house looked good. At first I thought that the house would look like it was made of garbage but it actually looked like a normal house which I thought was really cool. The only thing I really didn't like about the house was the big solar panels right beside it. It made the yard look ugly. Okay well thats all. Bye =]

Anonymous said...

K.N.B. 6201

Affluenza is a small problem in the world today compared to other issues. I believe people DO spend lots of money on accessories, and items that aren't impaortant to daily life and needs, but problems like war and hunger shold be eliminated and taken care of first.

A recycled house would be intresting and exciting to live in. Just being the proud owner of somthing made of old and recycled goods would make my day. The only thing I'd consider about the house was to make sure everything is non-toxic and healthy to live in. Otherwise, let's go build a recycled house!

Anonymous said...

I agree with what KNB said about the world hunger problem but I think that affluenza is a big problem and that it should be taken care of right away. If we don't take care of it eventually the world will be covered in garbage, the average human life span will be influenced a lot, and the ozone layer will be destroyed. People should buy only the essentials in life instead of buying useless things that they will end up throwing away a couple days later.

I think building and living in a recycled house would be neat too. For one thing we would cut down on the amount of garbage thrown in land fills every year. We would also be able to repair broken pieces of the house quickly and efficiently because of the neverending trash we throw out. the only thing I have a problem with is storms. Somebody would have to test the house out in standard winds. I don't want to be living inside a house that might fall over in the smallest wind. Other than that I'd say go for it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I like the house or if I don't like the house. It was kind of weird. I wouldn't mind living in that house because it looked really nice and big. I guess it was a good idea I mean it would save the planet I guess. I likethe solar pannel but I hate how ot was so big. I would like to consider the wood I think we do need to use steal.

Anonymous said...

living in a house made of recycled things hs its pros and cons. some pros are that you won't have to worry about being wasteful. a con is that when bad weather comes, your house may blow down or get damage. you would have to pay or the damage and when you thaught you were saving money, it would equal out to buying a regular house.

i personall y would not live in a house made of recycled things.

Anonymous said...

I think i would like to live in this house.Yes i would worry about if it would stand in a hurricane or it could stand in tornado. But i would buy it if it can stand everything a other house could.

Anonymous said...

My number is 6502