Monday, March 28, 2005

Resource Conservation House
The video: "Resource Conservation House" shows a house that is built with recycled productcs. I have invited a representative from the NAHB (National Association of Home Builders) who was responsible for buidling the house to vist our weblog and read your comments about the house.

What are your thoughts, concerns, views about buidling houses with recycled materials. What questions do you have about a house like this? Would you want to buy a home made with recycled products in the future? Why? Why not?

Please post your student number and your initials to get credit for this post.


Anonymous said...

chris lemm 6511
I do not think it would be a very good idea to live in a house made of recycled materials. I think that the house wouldn't fulfill the safety requirements of a normal house. The house would probably be destroyed easily in a hurracaine. I would never want to buy a house like this.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would be afraid that it would cost too much money

Anonymous said...

RS 6521
I personaly think that the house built of recycled material has its pros and cons. The positive side is that it will conserve landfill space and energy. The negative side is that the house could be unsafe to the public to live in becuase things like the forces of nature could damage the house. How much would a house made by recyclesd materials cost? If it was too expensive then not many people would want to buy it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My thought abot having a recycled house is that I think it is a great idea. It's very crucial that we use recycled items and that we have a safe environment and that we help it the best we can. Although recycling is good for the house there are some concerns that I have. Since it is a old house the recycled parts might not work as properly as a regular house would function now a days. Some of the parts might fail to work because they have been used before and thta might make the house work better. Those are the main concerns that I would have about the recycled house in the video.

Anonymous said...

M.R. 6624

This was an excellent and informative video. The people who thought of building a house out of recycled goods, was quite smart. I think the house is very good for the enviornment & saving materials. It also seems that the house is safe to the ozone. For example the steel isn`t dangerous to the enviornment; but I have two questions. How does this house hold during hurricanes ? Do the recycled materials used to make the house last ? To sum up, I think the resource house is an excellent way to save, recycle and change the way we use our trash.

Anonymous said...

Yeah i think that the idea of building more houses out of recycled products is a good one. But even though it is much more earth friendly, recycled materials are not as plentiful than fresh material at the moment and maybe not as easy to get your hands on for construction.

Anonymous said...

And i would like to know how the roof holds up in a hurricane. Because we lost our roof like the majority of people in our area, and the tiles on the recycled house might be more durable.

Anonymous said...

I belive the Resourse House is a brilliant idea. Why aren't more houses built like this today, ecspcialy when the enviorment is such a serious issue. One of my concerns is how the house is doing now compared to houses in the surrounding areas; has it aged well? Additionaly how cost effective is the house, could working class people afford such a house, and if not what would be ways to cut the cost. These are my main concerns on the Resourse House.

Anonymous said...

testing to see if comments are closed

Anonymous said...

The house made of recycled material was just like a normal house. It would save alot of money to build and live in and it wouldn't create as much damage to the environment. The movie showed the house through all the seasons, but like others have been saying, would it be able to withstand hurricanes? How is it doing now? Why haven't more houses been built with all recycled material?

Anonymous said...

ak 6213 If I were given the option to live in a recyclable material house I would choose to. Only because i would like to save our resources. Our natural resources are being depleted and I would like to conserve them

Anonymous said...

Samantha Murray
I like the idea of making a house out of recycled materials because it uses up alot of left over materials and it helps the enviroment. Personally i wouldnt live in a house made out of recycled materials because what would happen in a hurricane and stuff like that. I also want a normal house like everyone else. It may look like a normal house but when you really think of it, it isnt. Does it cost more?

Anonymous said...

I don't think this house is a good idea because, although some recycled items in the walls are steel, I think it would not withstand the force of hurricanes, tornados or any other of mother nature's storms. On the one side, we're saving the environment, but on the other side, wouldn't a huge solar panel in front of your house be unsafe and unattractive? I personally love Earth, but I want my house to be pretty! And the recyclables might deteriorate and collapse on all the residents in the house!

Anonymous said...

Samantha Murray 6225
sorry i forgot to put in my student number.

Anonymous said...

Sk 6214
I dont like the idea of living in a house with recylced porducts because who knows how reliable and sturdy the house could be. ill stick with reguar houses even though they might take some trees to build it

Anonymous said...

I dont like the idea of living in a recycled house. The house could start to smell after a while or maybe decompose. The house might not be as sturdy as regular houses are.Would it ever last in a hurricane? Or be able to stand in high winds? Who knows but im not going to take that chance.

Anonymous said...

I dont like the idea of living in a recycled house. The house could start to smell after a while or maybe decompose. The house might not be as sturdy as regular houses are.Would it ever last in a hurricane? Or be able to stand in high winds? Who knows but im not going to take that chance.

KB 6527

Anonymous said...

PB 6604
I think it was a cool idea but i was worried how it would stand under the weather and how much money it would cost. Some of the things in the house such as the solar panels, water heaters, and A/C units looked very expensive to install or replace if broken. I would have to look into this more and see how the house is doing under the weather. It would be intresting to live in the house for sure!

Anonymous said...

MK 6119
The resource house didn't look too shabby in the video (it's not like there were actual tin cans in the walls and newspaper sheets in the garage), and there is no reason for the house to smell, decompose, or fall to pieces over time as long as the house was built right. As far as I know, all reused products were treated so they wouldn't decompose, so there's nothing to worry about. However, there is no proof as far as I'm concerned that this resource house is as sturdy and hurricane-proof as houses made from brand-new materials, but if it turns out that the house won't fall over, it blends nicely into the surrounding community, and it is easy on the eyes, I wouldn't mind living in one. After all, if it doesn't look like a recycled-material house, I wouldn't think that anyone would notice that it's any different from regular homes.

Anonymous said...
LS 6625

I think that a house made of recycled materials, is a very neat idea. However It is so that it would not meet saftey requirements. Can the house withstand strong winds? hurricanes? Thats why it isnt safe but it is a very interesting idea. its very good for the enviroment, but i dont think its suitable for families.

Anonymous said...

M.M. #6221

The resourse house is a great idea. It would help our enivronment and society so much. Plus using recycled plastics wouldnt create more holes in the o-zone layer. Just as long as the house doesnt cruble in a hurricane, strom, or any other natural disaster I'm fine with the house. I'd live in a house that conserves materiels and saves the environment, but probly only if I had to.

Anonymous said...

C.M. 6621

I thought that this was a very interesting video. I loved how these people can take recycled materials and made a house out of it! That is so cool! Only if we could all think of ways to recycle like that. I know that will help cut down our land fills. If we all take a second to think that all of that material they used could of been dropped of at a land fill but it was recycled! Thats awsome! My whole family recycles. If I throw a plastic water bottle in the trash my brother will remind me to use the recycler. That's why we have it isn't it? To recycle! The only problem is hurricanes. I know this house was built about ten years ago, but if they recently made one, would it last through a hurricane? That would be cool if they kept testing and doing research so that in the future we could all have recycled houses. I bet if we did there wouldn't be such a problem with over filled land fills. That would be neat! I would love to live in a recycled house because I know that I helped out. It may be a little but a little goes a long way! Also another thing a house like this is probably worth a lot! How much will it be for one recycled house? All of it looked pretty expensive! It was good to test out though. Where theres a will theres a way and these people fond a way!!

Anonymous said...

I dont' like the idea of the recycled house. I don't like it because you don't know how sturdy or stable it is. If there is a big storm like a hurricane or a tornado, what do you do then? Also, the house would probably smell after a while and it I don't think it would last as long as normal houses do. The solar panels is a stupid idea because what if it was the worst and coldest winter ever and the sun didn't come out for a month, wht would you do then?

Anonymous said...

I dont' like the idea of the recycled house. I don't like it because you don't know how sturdy or stable it is. If there is a big storm like a hurricane or a tornado, what do you do then? Also, the house would probably smell after a while and it I don't think it would last as long as normal houses do. The solar panels is a stupid idea because what if it was the worst and coldest winter ever and the sun didn't come out for a month, wht would you do then?

Anonymous said...

I dont' like the idea of the recycled house. I don't like it because you don't know how sturdy or stable it is. If there is a big storm like a hurricane or a tornado, what do you do then? Also, the house would probably smell after a while and it I don't think it would last as long as normal houses do. The solar panels is a stupid idea because what if it was the worst and coldest winter ever and the sun didn't come out for a month, what would you do then?

Anonymous said...


I think the resource conservation house is a good idea. I think it will improve the so called problem with the ozone and global warming. I think it might be moreexpensive than a regular house but its probably worth it. I think this will be an ideal house for any tree hugger out there.

Anonymous said...

I think resouce conservation is good too. I'm sure that it would stop global warming from speeding up so fast. I think I'd probably buy the house and live in it too. The only thing is that if it couldn't handle strong winds too well, I don't think I'd live in it very often. Overall I think building a house like that is a neat idea so why not go for it.

Anonymous said...

D.H. 6113
I thought that the idea of building a house out of recycled materials was a very good one. My only problems were the and the cost. If the new technology costs more than the conventional materials, than the entire project was a waste because no one will try to make houses that cost more, even if it is better for the enviornment.

Anonymous said...

T.M 6515
I would like to live in the recycled house but on the other hand I wouldn't. I would because it looks like a normal house and the electric bill would be less because it uses solar energy. I wouldn't want to live in the house because I don't no how long it would last and how sturdy it would be in big storms. Also, when a house is on solar energy it costs more, and I don't want an expensive house.

Anonymous said...

S.L 6618 I think making the Resource House was a great idea, it shows that you can have things without hurting or destroying the enviorment. I would be afraid of a couple of things like what if a hurricane hit the house would it hold up? How is the house doing now? Does anyone live in the house? Is anyone planning on making any more of these Resource Houses? If so when and where?

Anonymous said...

T.L 6513
I would not like to live in the resouse house. I don't know how it would stand up in a hurricane and how safe it would be. If I was to live in the resourse house i would want someone to live in it before me to see how they liked it and what they thought of it.

Anonymous said...

D.N 6516
I think the resourse house was a good idea. I would live in the house because it looks like a normal house that just uses solar energy. Before I live in the house I would get more information about the house.

Anonymous said...


I think that creating a house out of recycled materials is a good idea, however I would want the house to be tested first. I would be worried about possible safety issues that could occur with the recycled materials. I would also like to know how the house featured in the movie was doing. Is the house still in good enough condition to live in? How long could one of these houses last? I would buy a house like this in the future as long as I knew that it would be nice and sturdy. I wouldn't want it to collapse after Florida's hurricane season. I think that this concept of recycling is great. If more Americans got into the habit of recycling, it could change the environment that we live in today.

Anonymous said...

GT 6127

I believe the house was a good idea.Many people would like to live in this home.I'm not one of them.The dangers of natural disasters are always looming.Also, it would be weird to live in a recycled home because i wouldnt want to change my ways for a house.

Anonymous said...

I want to tell you how proud I am of all of you who posted on our web-log or "blog" on this topic. Great job in voicing your views and concerns. The next step will be to invite someone from the NAHB which stands for the National Association of Home Builders to come and view some of your concerns. I'm going to summarize them and post them so they can see and then respond. After that is complete, we will discuss it in class. Again, GREAT JOB!!

Anonymous said...

TF #6100

The resource conservation house is a really good idea. My only concern with the building of the house is the time/money it takes. To get the recycled goods into an usable state will take longer than get premanufactured material from the stores. The price of melting down some of the materials may also make the prices go up. If more companies start to use recycled materials it will become easier to buy and cheaper.

Anonymous said...

The movie was pretty cool because it shows that you save alot of money and i think they should build a lot more houses like that because they are very productive. Using solar is a good way to save money as well


Anonymous said...

I think that the Resource house thing is stupid becasue it is way to expenive for people. Also the solar energy sometimes wouldnt work. Thats all!

Anonymous said...

the one above is mine sarah Lofgren 6120 i forgot to put that!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a conservation house. I would love to live in a house that was enviroment friendly.

Anonymous said...

pd 66212

I dont like the idea of a recycled house. BEcause who knows how relaible its going to be after years and years.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to live in a conservation house because i don't think that it would hold up very good in a hurricane! But the whole idea that you can build the majority of a house with recycled products of cool.

Anonymous said...

D.R. 6320
hey i think that the house is a good and yet bad idea i mean it is good because you are saving money on electricity but it is also not so great because there is that ugly thing sitting in your back yard. maybe if they could make that the roof it would be better.

Anonymous said...

hello i think that using recycled resources and materials. if they didnt, there would be a loss and non rebuild of nonrewnewable resources which take many millions to billions of years to make. and on power subjects, i believe that we should use solar and wind power and also feul cell power in order to fuel everything if we need to feul our needs. well i also believe in contrary to other bloggers that resource conservation homes fill the saftey law needs of the united states of america.

Anonymous said...

ops forgot to add that i think that using recycled resources and materials, that it is a good thing>beginning of first paragraph before if they didnt<

Anonymous said...

I think the video was pretty cool how they made the house out of recycled things.I was just wondering what would happen to the solar panels if a hurricane or a storm over do the people get elctricity at night with no sun to power the solar panels.

Anonymous said...

I think the video was neat because it showed how they made it.what would happen to the house if a hurricane hit it.

Anonymous said...

I think the idea about the recycled house is a good idea.Just because a house is a house.You use wood no matter how you get it.Wood comes from same place in the begin.All that matters with the wood is just how strong the wood is.The reasons why I think that the recycled house is a good idea is because:
1)We won't be using all our land up for storing our trash that we could be recycling and using for something else.
2)We won't have to go in to the woods and forests just to cut down tree for lumber to built the house.Or to use the trees for paper so the designer of the house can use so much paper to design the house over and over. So then the people who are getting the house built like.Also the trees that are in the woods and forests could have some kind of creature that lives in the trees that you want to cut down for the wood.We would have to destroy their home and make them start packing over and over for the wood from tree.The creatures will never know when your coming for their home.
3)Every time you cut down a tree you plant a new one but the trees don't grow as fast as you cut them down.So that makes less homes for the creatures and less trees for our homes.
4)It might also be cheapper to recycle the trees instead of cutting them down.

So that is my reasons for saying that a recycled house is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

I think that making a house out of recycled material is a good thing for the environment. Although it helps the environment I do not think it would be sturdy enough to last through a hurricane or some other natural disaster. Also, it would be very expensive and I would not want to live in a house like that.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a really good idea to live in a house with recycled materials. The only question i have it will it stand the winds of a hurricane that hits flordia or will it decay or rot after a while. But if it does survive through these conditions then i think all houses in america should be made like this. Also, would it cost less then a regular house or more?
S.C. 6506