Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Earth Day: Fact or Fiction

You have consumed a lot of information about” global warming" among other topics relating to nature and the Earth in various projects leading up to the LCMS Earth Day Celebration. You were asked to find three facts that you learned from the Earth Day activities and videos that you watched that you would be interested in researching via the Internet. This comment section will be open for one week for you to get your post up on the web-log. It will close on May 4th.Post one fact that you learned during the Earth Day activities (and leading up to it) that you question. Your job it to research this fact using the Internet and try to find out if there is evidence supporting this fact or if there is evidence that negates this fact.

(If you are having difficulty seeing the entire text, click Earth Day Fact or Fiction on the side bar)
Here is an example:

Fact: The fact I wanted to research was about melting glaciers. Are they really melting?

The key to this assignment to
(1) Show how you used the Internet/search engines to research your fact
(2) Show evidence that you are being intelligent consumers of information.

There are a lot of assertions out there on this and other issues. What believable evidence can you find to support or disprove the fact that you research?

Be sure to read the website and be able to report briefly on what it says!

Write your post in the comment section.


Anonymous said...

MCS 6701
I wanted to research why glaciers are melting. I think this shows the the earth is warming:

Anonymous said...

Fact: Do animals cause pollution?

I found this website that talked about factory famring and pollution

Anonymous said...

I wanted to research melting glaciers because that helps to show if the Earth is going through Global Warming

Anonymous said...

i want to know how slar energy is beong used
i found a website explaning what solar energy is and how we are using it today

Anonymous said...

RS 6521

I want to know how much is the water level rising due to melting glaciers?
I found a website that states how much the water is rising per year, and what could happen to land when it does rise.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe there is such thing as global warming, due simply to the fact that there is no authentic evidence of the earth getting hotter, the only things i see are people worrying too much. Even if global warming did exsist, we would be long gone before it did any real effect to the world.If global warming was true then explain the blizzard that recently hit some of the more western stats,it snowed in Wisconson for a while thru February and March.

Here the website that helps prove my point.

Anonymous said...

Fact: you can keep a television running for three hours by recycling one aluminum drink can.

Here is a website that supports the fact:

Anonymous said...

are the everglades in the southern tip of florida in danger? i found out yes they are and pretty badly. we need to take care of floridas everglades before they disappear.

heres the website where i found my information~

Anonymous said...

Scientists have discovered that more energy is being absorbed by the sun than is emitted back into space and it is throwing the earth's energy "out of balance" and warming the planet.

Anonymous said...

K.D. 6206

Fact: How do ice cores help to determine climate changes through out history?

I found this website to help me:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to research whether or not incresing numbers of heat waves would occur from Global Warming.

Here is a site that i found that directly informs you about the issue half way down.

Anonymous said...

Oops,forgot to paste in web site adress.

Anonymous said...

B.S. 6126
The fact I wanted to research was what thing was causing all of our pollution.

Anonymous said...

The fact that I wanted to research was the iceberg that broke of Antartica that is the size of Rhode Island.

Another Fact I researched was how glaciers are melting faster.

Anonymous said...

I believe that someday there will be global warming.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is just something for people to go on about i dont think it will happen and if it does it wont be for 100s and 100s of years.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to research tax cuts for oil companies.

Anonymous said...

Is global warming really a problem?

I say no!

Green said...

I am seeing some really interesting information that you finding and posting on both sides of this issue. Good work! Let me remind you though, you are supposed to be researching a fact. There is a fine line between the statement, "I believe" and looking for a fact. I am not challenging y our right to believe what ever you wish to believe, I'm hoping that you will learn how to use the Internet as a resource for research, and learn to use the weblog for a collaborative assignment. The question, "What does the environment have to do with technology," is a good question. Perhaps we will do an open post on that after we finish this assignment. In the mean time, stay focused on the task, identify a fact that you question, post it and share the website that shows evidence either proving or disproving this.

Reminder, this topic closes on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to research evidence on global warming. This site proves the earth is heating by the use of special satelites.

Anonymous said...

I reaserched on just pollution in general, and how it affects us, the envirornment, and even unborn babies.

this is the web

site i went on that proved pollution can sometimes even affect 6 month old unborn babies.

Anonymous said...

What is the cause for the glaciers that are melting?

Anonymous said...

sK 6214


Anonymous said...

In the video it talked about abrupt climate change influencing global warming.

Here's the link I found.

On the home page there is a link on how hurricanes [abrupt changes] have contributed to the rising temperatures.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You all are finding some interesting resources!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to find out how smog in the air can effect humans, this is the website that I found that helped me find information.

Anonymous said...

I have researched air pollution and i wanted to research it because it is interesting and it has alot of effects on our lives. Air pollution can cause many peoples deaths and also peoples health is affected by it in many ways. Animals are also affected by it too.

here is a link i found:

Anonymous said...

I do think that global warming is for real
This is my address

Anonymous said...

I think gobal warming is happening by melting glaciers.

Anonymous said...

I searched about the global warming. in this page i learned about that, and it makes me think that global warming is not fiction.


Anonymous said...

Most enviormentalists believe that there is such a thing as global warming. On this website it accesses you to many diffrent links that have many different opinion. I belive that there is such a thing as global warming. If there was not then glaciers wouldn't be melting and animals wouldn't be dying due to the climate change.

Anonymous said...

In the video it said that the arctic is warming very rapidly. It said when the arctic loses ice the Earths temperature changes. Also that the ice reflects the sun's energy and without it, it aborbs more heat. ilooked at this website and found a graph abot the arctic's warmth and explains it.
I do believe global warming is occuring and I think that the arctic is mealting.If you agree you should check out this website and find some interesting facts!

Anonymous said...

Sorry it didn't put my number!

Anonymous said...

N.M. 6620

I wanted to research glaciers that are melting because that tells us that there is global warming.

I used this website:

Most of Earth's 160,000 glaciers have been slowly shrinking and thinning for more than a century as the climate warms up from both natural causes and human activity.

Anonymous said...

I am researching the topic Global Warming and cooling on the account that it is an enormous topic on the mind of many of the worlds peoples, Below shall be some resources, facts, and much information of the topics to prove people that global warming exists, and is an actual problem that will affect the lives of our generation and our desendants!
info: Radiation from the sun is a factor of global warming in a healthy cycle over hundreds thousands of years (theory).(said by the site below)
Amospheric dust is the making of an ice age said by this site: "Volcanic eruptions and erosion from the earth's surface put dust and other fine particles of matter into the atmosphere. The presence of dust in the atmosphere prevents solar radiation from reaching the surface of the earth which causes the atmosphere to cool"
Some gases accentuate the warming or cooling of the atmosphere. Those that warm the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. These include water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane"

here is a list of links:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to find out if the glacierrs of Antartica are really are some websites:,,

Anonymous said...

I wanted to see how bad Earth's air pollution was, so i found these websites :

Anonymous said...

Do the chinese have worry about pollution from the animals or not.

Here is the website that I looked at and found the answer:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know how air pollution and other pesticides affect or harm humans. Here are some sites where i found my answer.

Anonymous said...

Fact: I wanted to know what other evidence do scientists have that lead to global warming.


M.M. #6221

Anonymous said...

Fact: I wanted to know if there really was a hole in the ozone.


Anonymous said...

Fact: I wanted to know if melting glaciers are really a sign of global warming

Anonymous said...

Fact:We know that the glaciers are melting but are we sure that it is because of global warming. I'd also like to ad that everything happens for a reason and god works in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...

Are Alaska's glaciers melting faster?


Anonymous said...

If u recycle a aluminium can u can have a television running for about 3 hours.

Anonymous said...

MK ~ 6119

I wondered if scientists really had found substantial evidence that there is a considerable increase in global warming and if there was a real threat. I found one site that had a news article from last year that had some interesting info involving glacier melting as well as a rise in the temperature of the planet as a whole. (Look in paragraphs 5-10 and further down) After reading the article, however, I looked more closely and found that this article was from a radical newspaper that may or may not be biased, and the actual information and the way it's presented may be leaning towards one side or the other. here's the site:

Anonymous said...

MK ~ 6119
I wasn't sure if my previous post really met the requirements of this blog (since it appeared to be biased and it couldn't really support global warming since it wasn't exactly trustworthy), so here's another site with a LONG article (scroll down to "the science") :

Anonymous said...

KB 6527

what is early signs of global warming?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to research if the sea level ir really rising. here's where I found information about it.

Anonymous said...

C.B. 6502
I wanted to see if Alaska's ice was really melting as years go by
i have found a site that helps me figure out that it is melting and at a fast rate too. this will hurt animals all round Alaska. The site is...

Anonymous said...

my question was - - if the melting glaciers were ACTUALLY a sign of global warming? is this tru ...

website ...

Anonymous said...

A.L 6619

Is Global warming really affecting out oceans? Well it turns out that it is and this website is where I found out...

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know if global warming was causing a rise in sea level:

Anonymous said...

B.L. 6512
I researched weather Global Warming was really affecting us and weather it was causing a rise in sea level. I think that it is affecting us and we just haven't noticed that big of a change yet.


Anonymous said...

M.R. - 6624
Is global warming causing the polar icecaps to melt ?

Heres the site that I found my information - - >

Anonymous said...

I think someday global warming will occur

Anonymous said...

AC 6108
i think that glaciers are melting and causing a rise in sea level and that this could effect earth so i found a website to prove a point about the melting glaciers.

Anonymous said...

a fact that I found is that the earth has 75%water on it and 2% is fresh water the other is salt i found a website to back this up its called Lenntech specific questoins onwater quantities.I also learned from this website that only 0.26% of the water is avalibele for humans.I also learned from the earth day thing that the earth is heating up beacause of our habbits such as using cars and other gas power machines. these things are heatin up the earth and i think our pollution is really causing a reaction for the sun to melt the poles and this website backs up my thoughts.This website is called and it has a buch of things that might be causing the change on the earth. Ben Middleton 5-4-05 6200