Monday, April 25, 2005

“Take Your Child To Work Day”

You can do a report on your visit to your parent's worksite and count it as one of your Career Investigation assignments. Remember to write it up. Restate the question in your answer. Spelling, punctuation, handwriting, neatness counts. Type written is preferred.

1. What is the name of the company/business/organization?

2. Give a brief description of the company/business/organization.

3. How many employees?

4. Are there other branches? Are they in Florida? Other states? National? Transnational/Global?

5. Describe what this company/business/organization does.

6. Does the company have a website?

7. What is the URL for the website? (If permitted, look at the company website and describe the type of information found on the website.

8. Describe the job that you "job shadowed" Give examples of the daily responsibilities this person has.

9. Describe some decisions that the person you "job shadow" has to make?

10. What type of technology do you find in the workplace?

11. What are some of the software applications that are used in the workplace.

12. What are the education requirements for the position you "job shadowed?"

13. Describe 3 things that you leaned from this experience.

14. What are examples of related occupations?

15. Describe something you would like to know more about, based on your observations.