Thursday, September 08, 2005

Career Collage

Dear Students,

Please remember that you have until Friday to complete your Career Cluster Foldable. If you have not completed it by Friday, you will need to take it home and complete it for homework. The book you have been using: The Occupational Outlook Handbook is also available on line. This will give you the same information for the catagories:
Career /Nature of work /working conditions /training and qualifications /job outlook /earnings /related occuapations /suorces of information.

I'm also adding a link to a website that will let you make an electronic collage. You can play with it to get an idea of how you want to do your career collages.
Have a great weekend.
See the Art Zone and click on Collage Machine. You have to have Shockwave installed on your computer to get this to work.