Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Part 3 of the Genogram Project

Pictures, pictures, pictures... Make sure you get some pictures of people in your family.
You might ask them to e-mail you a picture, or you can get a disposable camera, take some pictures, develop them and bring them for your genogram. You can also scan a picture, print it out and bring it in.

Also, you need to start on your interview:
Part 3: You will need to interview three of the people on your genogram and find out more about their career choices:
What were some of the reasons for choosing the career path they chose?
Find out "why” this family member chose their educational and career paths,

“what” factors influenced their decisions,

“who” influenced their decisions, and

“when” they made those decisions.

They should not be all from the same family:
You can do 1 parent, 1 aunt/uncle, cousin, 1 grandparent