Saturday, February 18, 2006

Reflective Writing: Character analysis
Choose one other of the three characters that we have been discussing in class. (Lexy, Nick, Home, Ellie) and write about the following:

What was this character like? What were their strengths and weaknesses? How did their environment and surroundings impact their aspirations, choices, decisions and goals for their live? What role did their family play? What were their goals and what challenges did they face? Do you think they learned lessons in the process of achieving their goals? What or who helped them succeed? Do you think they would have changed anything if could go back and do it over again? What compromises did they have to make in order to achieve their goals?

Reflective Writing: Influences in my life
Considering the character you chose to write about, compare the influences in their life to the influence in your life. Are they the same or different? In what way are they similar or different? What are some of your goals? How do society, your family, school and your environment impact your aspirations? What challenges do you face or will you face as you go about achieving your goals? If you could change one thing about your present circumstances that would make it easier to achieve your goals, what would that be? Where do you see you life going at this point in time? What decisions are you making that will impact your future?

In the movies, everyone achieves their goal and their dreams. In real-life do you think this is true for everyone? In real-life what do you think are some things that make will impact a person’s ability to achieve a goal or a life dream? What will impact your the most in achieving your goals?