Friday, April 07, 2006

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number:

Web Resource:
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used:

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize is


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.

Links: Other designers that competed for the X prize were

How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was


Posted on March 29, 2006
Due Date: April 7, 2006
Deadline extended to April 10
-- Comments are now closed: April 10, 2006
Post your assignment in the comment section. Include your student Number. You must include original information and links. Duplicates are not acceptable.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Student Number:2215

Web Resource:google, ask jeeves
Search engine I used:google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a contest where teams form all over the state come and test their rockets to see if they win.


Who won the X Prize?the winner of the x-prize was Oklahoma three stones

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is oklahoma three stones winning with the german v2


Who were some of the top contenders?
Description:some of the top contenders are
Stephen Bennett and
Charles Lindbergh
How was the winning rocket designed?the winning rocket was designed mimicing the german v2
three links describing the winning rocket are:,,
Description: The way the winning desin worked was made out of fiber glass, card board, little camera, metal etc...


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 4208

Web Resource:

Search engine I used:

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is a word-class prize of huge sums of money to inspire people to create new breakthroughs for humanity and for the orbital and lunar fights.


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Peter Diamandis, CEO of the X-Prize, and Scaled Composites' Mike Melvill, Burt Rutan and Brian Binnie. Photo courtesy the X-Prize.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description:Rutan and The Canadian Arrow Team led by Geoff Sheerin.


How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: It has a hybrid rocket moter, pneumatic cylinders and valves to control the large movable tail section instead of using electrical systems.

Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number: 6228

Web Resource
Search engine I used: Google (

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a competition where “astropreneurs” can compete for cash prizes and recognition

Who won the X Prize?
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Brian Bennie

Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: Other designers that competed for the X prize were Brian Feeny (the da Vinci Project) and Space Transport Corp.

How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning design worked was it used 3 flight control systems and a hybrid rocket motor for easy control and “hands-free” reentry.

Anonymous said...

1.What is the X Prize? The X Prize is a contest to win 10 million dollars if you can launch a rocket into space for a certain amount of time.

2.Who won the X Prize?The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan.
Link for picture:

3.Who were some of the top contenders?Mike Melviln and Brian Binnie. They both had to keep going back and modify the ship.

4.How was the winning rocket designed?The way the winning desing worked was it was a three-person, reusable, spacecraft that flew into space two times.

Kyle Suggs period 6 6220

Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number:6206

Web resource
Search engine I used:Google

What is the X Prize?
Its a competition sorta that instead of nasa building a rocket any other big business has tried to build a SAFE one and its orbited in space for a certain amount of days, and if its made back to land safe then they have a chance of winning.

Description: The X Prize is a rocket that is built by other big business's not NASA!


Who won the X Prize? it was Mojave Aerospace Ventures for the flight of space ship one.

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is the designer Burt Rutan and financier Paul Allen. They were the first to build and fly a spacecraft capable of carrying 3 people.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Inspired NASA Centennial Challenges,
Helped put FAA Regulatory Structure into law.

Description:they were supposed to be able to carry atleast 2 people and travel into space and back and do the same thing in about 2 weeks.

its at the botttom of the page.

How was the winning rocket designed?


Anonymous said...

Student Number:4209

Web Resource:
Search engine I used:google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a contest for 10 millon dollers for the first non government human space flight.


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and the mojave Aerospace Ventures team

Links: : photos/index.jsp

Who were some of the top contenders?Geoff Sheerin
Description:brian feeny to lanch the the space craft frome a baloon and have a parachute decent,david ashford the jet would have a viper turbojet engine to fly into space

Links: Other designers that competed for the X prize wereMichael Gallo

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning desin worked was the aircraft white night caries space craft one benieth it and lanch it at 15 km.


Due Date: April 7, 2006--
Post your assignment in the comment section. Include your student Number. You must include original information and links. Duplicates are not acceptable.

cory liljenquist pd.4 4209

Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number: 6201

Search engine I used: , google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a competition between rocket experts from around the world.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize was Burt Rutan with help of Brian Bennie(pilot)and Paul Allen.

Picture link:


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: Two other contenders were Mike Melvill and Brian Feeney.



How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was using nitrous oxide for ignition. He made it so it was reusable. It emited 99% less carbon dioxide than spacecraft from nasa. It could fit 3 people. He used a seed- shaped winged craft.



Anonymous said...

Student Number:5205

Search engine I used was

The X Prize was ten million dollars awarded to the first person to design their own personal "space ship" and launch it into space with a piolet. The piolet had to survive though. Although the physical prize was the ten million dollars, I beleive it would be rewarding just to be able to do that and reach your goal.

The name of the person who won the x prize was Paul Allen.

A picture of the winner can be seen here:


The other contender was Brian Feeney, who was part of the da Vinci group.


The way the winning desin worked was:

Anonymous said...

Student Number:2213

Web Resource:
Google or another search engine
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used:Googel was the search engine i used.

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Descrion:The X Prize is a $10 million prize to jumpstart the space tourism industry through competition between entrepreneurs and rocket experts around the world.

Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie with SpaceShipOne.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: Other designers that competed for the X prize were Space Transport Corp., High Altitude Research Corp. Inc., Canadian Arrow


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was uses nitrous oxide for ignition and emits 99% less carbon dioxide than Nasa spacecraft.



Anonymous said...

Student Number: 6205

Web Resource: Google
Search I used: x-prize; xprize winners; x-prize top contenders; SpaceShipOne design

What is the X-Prize?
Description: The x-prize is the $10-million award given to the participants who could build a safe rocket and keep it aloft for a certain duration.

Who won the X-Prize?
Description: The winners of the x-prize were Brian Binnie and Mike Melvill with their SpaceShipOne.

Who were some top contenders?
Description: Some other top competitors were team Canadian Arrow, team Da-Vinchi Project, and team Armadillo Aerospace.
Links: xprize_arrowdrop_040813.html

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The winning rocket design combined a cantilevered-hybrid motor and a SS2/WWK system to ensure a safe reentry and an easy flight.

Anonymous said...

Student Number:4201

Web Resource:
Search engine I used:google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a competition to promote comercial spaceflight for the common person. A 10 million dollar prize is given to fund that movement.


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is burt rutan

picture link:

Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: brian feeny and space transit corp.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning design worked was SpaceShipOne was launched from beneath a turbofan-powered White Knight aircraft at 50,000 feet, then it was powered by a hybrid rocket motor at 2,000 mph.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number: 6222

Web Resource: Google
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a world-wide competition that awards $10 million to the first private team that safely launches and returns a space craft that can hold 3 people on 2 flights within two weeks, both flights at a height of 100km.

Who won the X Prize?
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan, part of Tier One, with SpaceShipOne.

Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: One of the other top contenders was Canadian Arrow with a 16.5m tall rocket with 2 stages.The other contender was Armadillo Aerospace, who unfortunately dropped out because their prototypes crashed and were damaged.

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning design worked was that SpaceShipOne was carried up by White Knight for an air launch. Once SpaceShipOne reaches slightly above 100km, using a hybrid rocket motor, it glides down and lands horizontally.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:2216

Web Resource: &

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a competition between different teams around the world competing for the best rocket


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is
was Burt Rutan and Brian Bennie(pilot)and Paul Allen.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description:The two other contenders were Mike Melvill and Brian Feeney.

Other designers that competed for the X prize were

How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was using nitrous oxide for ignition. He made it so it was reusable. It emited 99% less carbon dioxide than spacecraft from nasa.The craft could fit 3 people. He also used a seed- shaped winged craft.



9:33 PM

Anonymous said...

Student Number:4210

Search engine I used:Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a non-government, non-profit education organization that creates breakthroughs in space and related technologies using competitions that lets the first team that succesfull launches three people up 100 kilometers, brings them back, and can repeat with the same vehicle within 2 weeks.

Links: ,

Who won the X Prize?
Description: The people who won the X Prize are Burt Rutan and Paul Allen with the Mojave Aerospace Ventures, LLC.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Description:Other designers that competed for the X prize were
John Carmack leader of Armadillo Aerospace:
* Name: Black Armadillo
* Length: 24 feet (730 cm) (est.)
* Diameter: 5.25 feet (160 cm)
* Gross Take-Off Weight: 14,000 lbm (6,350 kg)
* Dry Weight: 1,800 lbm (815 kg)
* Crew Capsule Environment: Pressurized cabin
* Payload Capacity: 595 lbm (270 kg)
* No. of Engines: 1
* Propulsion System: Pressure fed monopropellant
* Fuel: N/A
* Oxidizer: Hydrogen Peroxide / Methanol
* Total Thrust: 30,000 lbf (133.500 N)
* Reaction Control System: Cold gas expelled through engines
And Brian Feeney, leader of The Da Vinci Project:
* Name: Wild Fire
* Length : 16 feet long
* Diameter: 56 inches in diameter
* Gross Take-Off Weight: 7,200 lbm
* Dry Weight: 3,200 lb m
* Crew Capsule Environment: 56 inch diameter sphere
* Propulsion System : 2 gimbaled, pressure fed rocket engines
* Fuel, Oxidizer: Kerosene and liquid oxygen
* Total Thrust : 10,000 lb f
* Reaction Control System: Cold gas helium integrated with GPS and INS for flight guidance

Links: ,

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning desin worked was
* Wingspan: Two stage rocket design based on German V2
* Length (1st, 2nd Stage): 82 feet (first stage), 16.4 feet (second stage)
* Gross Take-Off Weight: Information not disclosed.
* Dry Weight: Information not disclosed.
* Crew Capsule Environment: Short-sleeved, pressurized cabin.
* Payload Capacity:Information not disclosed.
* No. of Engines (1st, 2nd Stage): Two turbojet engines (first stage), one rocket engine (second stage)
* Propulsion System (1st, 2nd Stage): afterburning J-85-GE-5 engines (first stage), hybrid engine (second stage)
* Fuel, OxidizerJP-1 (first stage), N2O-HTPB (second stage)
* Total Thrust (1st, 2nd Stage): 7,700 lbs. thrust (first stage), information not disclosed (second stage)
* Reaction Control System: Cold pressurized CO2 gas.

Links: , , ,

Anonymous said...

Student Number:3220

Web Resource:

Search engine I used:

What is the X Prize?
The X Prize is a 10,000,000 dollar prize that will be given to a team if they could build a space craft

Description: The X Prize is a 10 million dollar winning if a team can build a craft that hold 3 people and can make it to space and back. You also have to be able to use it within two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?
In Mojave,Califorina Brian Binnie won the 10 million dollar pize of building the space craft.

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie from Mojave,Califorina.He was the 434th human to have left our plante and go into space. He went 112 kilometers.

Anonymous said...

Student Number: 5215

Web Resource:
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a foundation that offers a 10 million dollar prize to the first non-government organization to launch a reusable manned aircraft into space.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with the help of the pilot Brian Binnie, and Paul Allen (who financed the program.)


Picture link:

Who were some of the top contenders? Two of many top contenders were Brian Feeney and Mike Melvill

Description: Feeney (da Vinci Project) and Melvill worked with Rutan on SpaceShipOne


How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The winning design successfully launched three people to about 62.5 miles in the air; it is a twin turbojet aircraft with an wing span of about 82-foot


Anonymous said...

Student Number:2206

Web Resource:
Google or another search engine
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used: Google/ask

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize is a money prize or scholarship you get for making a model thats able to go to space


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description:Peter Diamandis, Mike Melvill, Burt Rutan and Brian Binnie.

Links: http:

Other designers that competed for the X prize were Rutan and The Canadian Arrow Team

How was the winning rocket designed? It was a hybrid type of motor and it didn't use electrical systems it used valves to control the tail.

Provide three links:

Anonymous said...

Student Number:3208

Web Resource:

Search engine I used: and

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is a $10,000,000 “gift” given by the X prize founation for a first NON-government organization to launch resuable spacecrafts (manned) 2 times in 2 weeks. The 20 teams have to fly around the world, they have to build and launch it and it must be able to fly 3 people 62 miles up and do it again 2 weeks later with the same vehicle.
Links: and
Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan


Who were some of the top contenders? Geoff Sheerin, his design is a boilerplate crew cabin that will fly in space. The avionics system provides the resulting control signals necessary for maintaining stability of the vehicle in all three axes. The guidance system generates course corrections. It is aerodynamically stable throughout the entire flight, and even with loss of active guidance the vehicle would continue on a ballistic trajectory. The first stage has a safety device that can be detonated to ensure down range safety.

John B. Herrington’s design is a horizontal and vertical space launch with suborbital spaceplanes that are optimized for near-term space tourist and microgravity research applications, and two-stage fully reusable vertical launch vehicles that are optimized for International Space Station crew and cargo delivery and affordable, responsive commercial launch services


Other designers that competed for the X prize were

How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning design worked was by


Anonymous said...

Student Number:6208

Web Resource:google, ask jeaves

Search engine I used:google

What is the X Prize?Description:The X Prize is a contest and for the first team who can launch their rocket into space in a certain amount of time and they win.


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie who was the pilot.

Links: (picture)

Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: Brian Feeney and Brian Feeney were some of the other top contenders. Brian Feeney was working with a next-generation rocket-based launch platform to achieve the contest's 100km orbital requirement.


Other designers that competed for the X prize were Ansari and The Canadian Arrow team.

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning desin worked was it had a hybird motor.It also had a shuttle-cock reentry system and that had a half wing which folds in the air.

Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize
Student Number: 6223

Web Resource:
Search engine I used: ,

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a competition that looks for the best non-government rocket. The requirements are the entrants have to get a rocket to launch 100 kilometers and be able to repeat that launch in 2 weeks.

Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won the x prize? Provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Paul Allen.
Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: One of them, named Burt Rutan fell just a few kilometers short of the 100 kilometer requirements. Their design was based on the U.S. ballistic missiles. The Canadian Arrow was another top contender. It was designed by Geoff Sheerif and is based on the WWII V-2 design.

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning design worked was it used a hybrid rocket motor.

Anonymous said...

The X Prize is a private industry with dramatic investment and social opportunities in the feilds of space, energy, genomics, and education.

It is and organization dedicated to a future in the space program.


Who won the X Prize?

The pesrson who won the X Prize is Mark


Other contenders for the X Prize were Cardiff, Edinburgh, and Hodge


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was

Anonymous said...

Student Number- 2217

Web Resource- I used Wikipedia

What Is the X-Prize- It was a $10,000,000, offered by the X Prize Foundation, for the first non-government organization to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks.

Who won the X-Prize- Tier One project using the experimental spaceplane SpaceShipOne.

Who were some of the top contenders-
The da Vinci Project
The Canadian Arrow team
Space Transport Corporation's
AERA Corporation

How was the winning rocket designed-
SpaceShipOne is an experimental air-launched suborbital spaceplane that uses a hybrid rocket motor. The design features a unique "shuttlecock" reentry system whose half-delta wing folds upward at the center of its twin tail booms.


Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number:6202

Web Resource
Search engine I used:Dogpile

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a US$10,000,000 prize, offered by the X PRIZE Foundation, for the first non-government organization to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan.

Picture Link:


Who were some of the top contenders?
Description:Other designers that competed for the x prize were The da Vinci Project and Canadian Arrow. The da Vinci Project's rocket design used a rocket-powered spacecraft to be air-launched from a helium balloon at an altitude of about 21 km (70,000 ft). The Canadian Arrow used a 16.5 m tall two-stage rocket, where the second stage is a three-person space capsule.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The concept of the winning rocket design was to air launch a three-person piloted spacecraft which climbs to slightly above 100 km altitude using a hybrid rocket motor and then glides to the ground and lands horizontally.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:5212

Web Resource:
Google or another search engine
Post the search engine you used to find your website
I used multiple search engines such as google,yahoo, and dogpile

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize is a $5 to $10 million prize offered for the first human suborbital flight to an altitude of 100 kilometers.


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with the SpaceShipOne.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: Two other company designers for the x prize were Blue Origin and JP Aerospace.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning design worked was that the White Knight is a specially designed airplane that is powered by turbo-jets. It carries SpaceShipOne under its belly and releases SpaceShipOne rocketplane at 50,000ft and after a brief glide the rocket engine (hybrid rocket motor) ignites and fires for about 80 seconds carrying the craft to 100km for a three minute zero-g flight before a 15-20 minutes glide back to Earth, landing like an aircraft.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:3212

Web Resource:
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a non-government, non-profit education organization that creates breakthroughs in space and related technologies using competitions that lets the first team that succesfully launches three people up 100 kilometers, brings them back, and can repeat with the same vehicle within two weeks will win 10 million dollars.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The people who won the X-Prize were Brian Bennie (pilot), Burt Rutan, and Paul Allen (financer of project) with SpaceShipOne.


Picture Link:

Who were some of the top contenders?

Other designers that competed for the X prize were Armadillo Aerospace and Geoff Sheerin (leader of Canadian Arrow).


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning desin worked was:

* Wingspan: Two stage rocket design based on German V2
* Length (1st, 2nd Stage): 82 feet (first stage), 16.4 feet (second stage)
* Gross Take-Off Weight: Information not disclosed.
* Dry Weight: Information not disclosed.
* Crew Capsule Environment: Short-sleeved, pressurized cabin.
* Payload Capacity:Information not disclosed.
* No. of Engines (1st, 2nd Stage): Two turbojet engines (first stage), one rocket engine (second stage)
* Propulsion System (1st, 2nd Stage): afterburning J-85-GE-5 engines (first stage), hybrid engine (second stage)
* Fuel, OxidizerJP-1 (first stage), N2O-HTPB (second stage)
* Total Thrust (1st, 2nd Stage): 7,700 lbs. thrust (first stage), information not disclosed (second stage)
* Reaction Control System: Cold pressurized CO2 gas.

The design was a seed-shaped winged craft.


Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize
Student Number: 3216

Web Resource:
Search engine I used:

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a $10,000,000 reward, offered by the X PRIZE foundation, to launch a reusable spacecraft into space and reapeat the feat a certain amount of times.

Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with SpaceShipOne.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: The starchaser, developed by Steve Bennet was expected to win the X PRIZE.
Two other contenders are the Canadian Arrow team and the Armadillo Aerospace.

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The winning design worked by using a hybrid rocket motor design. There is a wing on the SpaceShipOne that folds up during spaceflight, but unfolds as a brake upon re-entry.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:2211

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is the first privatley funded race to space
Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Brian Beernie, Burt Rutan, and Paul Alan.
Who were some of the top contenders? Description:One contender is Brian Feeney, leader of the Da Vinci group. Brians plane is going to be lifted by a baloon to an altitude of 80,000 feet then launched. Another contender is Geoff Sheerin who leads the Canadian Arow team. Their plane is hoisted 9,000 feet into the air by a helicopter, then launched.
How was the winning rocket designed? Description: The way the winning design worked was a specially designed plane called the White Knight carried Space Ship One under it to an altitude of 42,000 feet. Once at this altitude Space Ship One launched.

Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project- The X Prize

Student # 6224
Search Engine I Used:

Description: The X Prize is a $10,000,000 prize, offered by the X PRIZE Foundation, for the first non-government organization to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks.

Description: The person who won the X Prize is Paul Allen, a Microsoft co-founder who bankrolled the design and building of Spaceship One for more than 20 million dollars.
Links: ml
Description: Other designers that competed for the X Prize were Brian Feeney and Geoffrey Sheerin.
Description: Brian Feeney’s rocket was supposed to work using liquid rocket propulsion engines and systems.
Geoff Sheerin’s rocket uses rockets to pull the crew compartment clear of its booster during a launch pad emergency. It is also designed to be launched from a barge.

Description: The way the winning project design worked was based on having the rocket be light, and fast at times. Being very light helped to reduce the forces acting against the rocket. The rockets actual vehicle speed can exceed mach 3, flying faster than an M16 rifle bullet. But its speed measured by sensors compared to pressure is very low.


Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number: 4214

Web Resource:google, ask
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used: google, ask

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize was a US$10,000,000 prize, offered by the X PRIZE Foundation, for the first non-government organization to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?
The winners of the x-prize was a team from Oklahoma called the Oklahoma Three Stones
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The people who won the X Prize were Paul Allen & Burt Rutan

Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: The top contenders were the Canadian da Vinci team.
They built a "Wild Fire" balloon-launched spacecraft.


Other designers that competed for the X prize were

How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was taken into the air by an airplane, then when at the right altitude, was released and set up into the sky.


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 6204
Search engines I used: Google, and

Description: The X Prize is a competition where a team of people must build and launch a spaceship that can carry three people and ascend to a height of sixty-two and a half miles. The ship must also return to Earth safely and the team much launch with the same spaceship within a time period of two weeks. The first team to do this will recieve ten-million dollars.


Description: The people who won the X Prize are Brian Binnie, Burt Rutan and Paul Allen.

Link: (picture)


Other designers that competed for the X Prize were Armadillo Aerospace and Starchaser Industries. Armadillo’s X Prize spaceship used hydrogen peroxide and methanol as its gas. It had computer controlled “jet vanes” based on feedback from gyroscopes, which control the direction and it was used to keep the spaceship straight. Starchasr Industries X Prize spaceship is fitted with three computers, and two parachutes. Its cluster of nine solid rocket motors generates over 4 tons of thrust accelerating the vehicle from 0 - 700 miles per hour in under three seconds.

Link for Armadillo Aerospace:

The way the winning design worked was the SpaceShipOne design has a unique “shuttlecock reentry” system and it has wings with the wing planform in the form of a triangle. They fold upward at the center of its tail. This increases drag while not losing its stability. After passing though its peak sltitude, the space ship will glide back down to earth.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:4211

Web Resource:
Search engine I used:google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a contest to win 10 million dollars if you are the one to make your ship gothe farthest


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with SpaceShipOne.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description:Blue Origin and Geoff Sheerin

How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning desin worked it could fit three peple and using nitrous oxide for ignition. He used a seed- shaped winged craft.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:5206

Web Resource:google, yahoo
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used:

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize is the $10 million reward for the best privately built craft that had flown to space.


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan's team with Spaceshipone, supported by Paul Allen.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Other designers that competed for the X prize were

The da Vinci Project's Wild Fire rocket lead by Brian Feeney was to be lifted from a launch site near Kindersley, Saskatchewan, by a reusable helium balloon to an altitude of 80,000 feet near space from where the rocket engines would fire and propel pilot Brian Feeney on the 62-mi.-high suborbital space ride.

On the Olympic Peninsula at Forks, Washington, Philip Storm and Eric Meier had been developing their Space Transport Corp. rocket, Rubicon, for the X Prize competition. Their rocket was to be launched on a suborbital flight from the Washington coast out over the Pacific Ocean and then parachute down into the ocean to be retrieved by boat or helicopter. Unfortunately, the 23-ft.-long Rubicon rocket flew up only 1,000 feet and exploded during its first launch August 8, 2004. The rain of debris on the beach and ocean ended the attempt to win the $10 million X Prize. Storm said the small group of low-budget volunteers was unable to compete with SpaceShipOne's billionaire financing.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was It takes about an hour for the Rutan aircraft White Knight to ferry SpaceShipOne from the Mojave runway to an altitude of 50,000 feet – about 9.5 miles. East of Mojave, White Knight releases SpaceShipOne into a glide. Then SpaceShipOne's pilot fires the craft's rocket motor for 80 seconds, climbing vertically and boosting the craft's speed to Mach 3 – about 2284 miles per hour. During that pull-up and climb, the pilot encounters G-forces three to four times Earth's gravity. The rocket engine is fueled by rubber and nitrous oxide, which is better known as laughing gas. The gas in a six-ft.-diameter tank at the center of SpaceShipOne.


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 4203

Web Resource:
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a race open to space craft building teams to try and build the most efficient plane or rocket (with private funds) that could take 3 persons up to an altitude of 100 kilometers and repeat this twice within a two-week period. The actual prize is $10 million dollars.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The persons who won the X Prize are: Paul Allen who launched the space craft and Burt Rutan who designed it.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: The Canadian Arrow team, their design was a rocket with a nosecone that will detach from the rocket once it reaches a certain height and just before the rocket burns out. Another contender is the TGV Rocket team; their design is an abnormal shape but take off and landing technique is similar to that of a conventional rocket

Other designers that competed for the X prize were: Space Transport Corp. and High Altitude Research Corp. Inc.

How was the winning rocket designed? It looked like an airplane and a rocket combined it is carried up by the “mother ship” The White Knight.
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked.
Description: The way the winning design worked was a main plane carried the smaller plane up to a high altitude and then the other plane detached from it soaring even higher.

Anonymous said...

Student Number:2212

Web Resource:
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a competition that looks for the best non-government rocket. The requirements are the entrants have to get a rocket to launch 100 kilometers and be able to repeat that launch in 2 weeks.

Who won the X Prize?
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with the help of the pilot Brian Binnie, and Paul Allen (who financed the program.)


Who were some of the top contenders?
Description: One of them, named Burt Rutan fell just a few kilometers short of the 100 kilometer requirements. Their design was based on the U.S. ballistic missiles. The Canadian Arrow was another top contender. It was designed by Geoff Sheerif and is based on the WWII V-2 design.

How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning desin worked was it had a hybird motor.It also had a shuttle-cock reentry system and that had a half wing which folds in the air.

Anonymous said...

Student Number:2201

Web Resource:
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used:Google

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize is a contest for the first non-organization to launch a spacecraft.


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and the Mojave Aerospace Ventures team.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description:Other designers that competed for the X prize were Brian Feeney and Mike Melvill.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning design worked was that it used a hybrid rocket motor. It also uses a hybrid rocket motor and the half delta wing folds uward at the center of its rwin tail booms.


Anonymous said...

Student number -6218

Search engine I used:

The Ansari X Prize is a $10 million purse for the first privately built vehicle that could safely haul a pilot and the equivalent weight of two passengers to the edge of space -- then repeat the feat within two weeks.


Picture of SpaceShipOne:

people who won the X-Prize were Brian Bennie (pilot), Burt Rutan, and Paul Allen (financer of project) with SpaceShipOne.

One of the top contenders was Brian Freely whose aircraft was The Wildfire Mark v1.
Like SpaceShipOne, Wild Fire will launch from high above the Earth after hitching a ride with a mother ship. But where SpaceShipOne is carried under the belly of a parent airplane, Wild Fire is towed with the world’s largest reusable helium balloon.

Wild Fire’s current flight plan calls for its wide balloon to fly up to an altitude of 80,000 feet with the spacecraft dangling by a cable about 750 feet below the balloon’s crew quarters. From balloon top to rocket bottom, the entire assembly measures about 1,000 feet. Once the balloon-rocket duo reaches the proper altitude, Wild Fire will turn on its engine and launch spaceward at a target height of 71.5 miles


Another contender was Pablo De Leon whose rocket is named Guachito who is launched vertically with liquid oxidizer over solid fuel engines.


The way the winning design worked was SpaceShipOne will be air launched from a twin turbojet research aircraft with an 82-foot wingspan.The SpaceShipOne made a three-point landing, on two wheels, and nose-mounted skid. The requisite speed is 7 miles per second, or 25 thousand miles an hour.


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 6217
Web Resource (Search Engine that I used): GOOGLE

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is an International Competition in which competitors seek to reach space
with their custom rockets. The flightsight is at Mojave, California.
The rockets must reach space being controlled by a pilot. The rockets must
come back to earth and must be reusable in TWO WEEKS.
The rockets much reach 100 kilometres


Who won the X Prize:
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan
whose pilot was Brian Binnie, and his financer was Paul Allen.
A picture of Burt Rutan is here-


Who were some of the Top Contenders?
Description: Burt Rutan was the Top Contender and fell just a tid bit
short of 100 kilometre status. The Canadian arrow was another top contender
based on a missile from WWII


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: Spaceshipone was powered by a HTBD-Nitrous-Oxide hybrid rocket design
Matthew Gionta: SpaceShipOne is slung underneath the belly of the White Knight aircraft,
two aircraft that we've developed from scratch here.
The White Knight is a turbofan-powered airplane that carries the SpaceShipOne
up to 45 to 50,000 feet so that we can start our space flight from a relatively high position in the atmosphere where the air's already pretty thin. We're through about 85 percent of the Earth's atmosphere already when we go down 45,000 feet. The air is very rarified up at that altitude so it's a great place to start from. From there we drop the spaceship off of the White Knight and it glides for 10 seconds while the pilot sets up, gets the aircraft all trimmed up, ready for the rocket boost and he throws the switch, and the hybrid rocket motor in the SpaceShipOne accelerates the pilot at about two to three times normal gravity. It accelerates at about twice normal gravity forward and the pilot immediately commences a pullout maneuver to approximately vertical -- he's going pretty much straight up.
And the ship continues to accelerate going straight out for a little over a minute.
We don't give out the exact numbers -- then someone can reverse engineer.
SpaceShipOne is carried on the WhiteKnight until reaching a certain elevation
where it is then released and rocketed into space.


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 6217
Web Resource (Search Engine that I used): GOOGLE

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is an International Competition in which competitors seek to reach space
with their custom rockets. The flightsight is at Mojave, California.
The rockets must reach space being controlled by a pilot. The rockets must
come back to earth and must be reusable in TWO WEEKS.
The rockets much reach 100 kilometres


Who won the X Prize:
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan
whose pilot was Brian Binnie, and his financer was Paul Allen.
A picture of Burt Rutan is here-


Who were some of the Top Contenders?
Description: Burt Rutan was the Top Contender and fell just a tid bit
short of 100 kilometre status. The Canadian arrow was another top contender
based on a missile from WWII


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: Spaceshipone was powered by a HTBD-Nitrous-Oxide hybrid rocket design
Matthew Gionta: SpaceShipOne is slung underneath the belly of the White Knight aircraft,
two aircraft that we've developed from scratch here.
The White Knight is a turbofan-powered airplane that carries the SpaceShipOne
up to 45 to 50,000 feet so that we can start our space flight from a relatively high position in the atmosphere where the air's already pretty thin. We're through about 85 percent of the Earth's atmosphere already when we go down 45,000 feet. The air is very rarified up at that altitude so it's a great place to start from. From there we drop the spaceship off of the White Knight and it glides for 10 seconds while the pilot sets up, gets the aircraft all trimmed up, ready for the rocket boost and he throws the switch, and the hybrid rocket motor in the SpaceShipOne accelerates the pilot at about two to three times normal gravity. It accelerates at about twice normal gravity forward and the pilot immediately commences a pullout maneuver to approximately vertical -- he's going pretty much straight up.
And the ship continues to accelerate going straight out for a little over a minute.
We don't give out the exact numbers -- then someone can reverse engineer.
SpaceShipOne is carried on the WhiteKnight until reaching a certain elevation
where it is then released and rocketed into space.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:5204

Web Resource:google

Search engine I used:google

What is the X Prize?a $10,000,000 prize offer to the team who built ans launched a manned reusable space craft

Description: The X Prize is a manned reusable space craft


Who won the X Prize?burt rutan

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is burt rutan with the spaceshipone


Who were some of the top contenders?burt rutan & james wanliss


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was it used a hybrid moter with a pair of upward wings


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 4217

Web Resource:
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize was a contest for a non government team to launch a spaceship into to space. The winner wins 10 million dollars.
Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize was the Tier One team headed by Burt Rutan.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description: Other designers that competed for the X prize were the Canadian Arrow team. They designed a two stage rocket . After about one minute the engine shuts off in the first stage, and the second stage is supposed to fly you into space. Another designer was the Armadillo Aerospace team. They used a simple design. It used computer controlled jet vanes to fly it.


How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning design worked was it was propelled by rokcet from 15 to 100 meters. Then it would glide transonically and subsonically. It would reenter the atomosphere in a stable configuration, and it would land horizontally on a runway. It is also designed to hold up to three people in the cabin.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:5997096694

Web Resource:

Search engine I

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is a competition between 27 space educated teams from 7 countries. thier goal is to design, build and develop a craft capable of launching three people 62.5 miles into space, and returning them saftly. the winner is awarded a 10 million dollar purse.


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and his ship, SpaceShipOne


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description: some of the x_prize's competitors included, brian feeny and Brian Bennie.

Links: Other designers that competed for the X prize were brian feeny and Brian Bennie

How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning design worked was by using a separate airplane to carry the spaceship almost to space and then releasing it. the spaceship then used a hybrid rocket motor to propel itself the rest of the way


Anonymous said...

Student Number:3202

Web Resource:

Search engine I

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is a competition between 27 space educated teams from 7 countries. thier goal is to design, build and develop a craft capable of launching three people 62.5 miles into space, and returning them saftly. the winner is awarded a 10 million dollar purse.


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and his ship, SpaceShipOne


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description: some of the x_prize's competitors included, brian feeny and Brian Bennie.

Links: Other designers that competed for the X prize were brian feeny and Brian Bennie

How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning design worked was by using a separate airplane to carry the spaceship almost to space and then releasing it. the spaceship then used a hybrid rocket motor to propel itself the rest of the way


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 6217
Web Resource (Search Engine that I used): GOOGLE

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is an International Competition in which competitors seek to reach space
with their custom rockets. The flightsight is at Mojave, California.
The rockets must reach space being controlled by a pilot. The rockets must
come back to earth and must be reusable in TWO WEEKS.
The rockets much reach 100 kilometres


Who won the X Prize:
Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan
whose pilot was Brian Binnie, and his financer was Paul Allen.
A picture of Burt Rutan is here-


Who were some of the Top Contenders?
Description: Burt Rutan was the Top Contender and fell just a tid bit
short of 100 kilometre status. The Canadian arrow was another top contender
based on a missile from WWII


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: Spaceshipone was powered by a HTBD-Nitrous-Oxide hybrid rocket design
Matthew Gionta: SpaceShipOne is slung underneath the belly of the White Knight aircraft,
two aircraft that we've developed from scratch here.
The White Knight is a turbofan-powered airplane that carries the SpaceShipOne
up to 45 to 50,000 feet so that we can start our space flight from a relatively high position in the atmosphere where the air's already pretty thin. We're through about 85 percent of the Earth's atmosphere already when we go down 45,000 feet. The air is very rarified up at that altitude so it's a great place to start from. From there we drop the spaceship off of the White Knight and it glides for 10 seconds while the pilot sets up, gets the aircraft all trimmed up, ready for the rocket boost and he throws the switch, and the hybrid rocket motor in the SpaceShipOne accelerates the pilot at about two to three times normal gravity. It accelerates at about twice normal gravity forward and the pilot immediately commences a pullout maneuver to approximately vertical -- he's going pretty much straight up.
And the ship continues to accelerate going straight out for a little over a minute.
We don't give out the exact numbers -- then someone can reverse engineer.
SpaceShipOne is carried on the WhiteKnight until reaching a certain elevation
where it is then released and rocketed into space.


Anonymous said...

Student number : 4226
Search engine I used: google
What is the X Prize? It is a contest that began in 1995 that challenged people to try to build a two passenger rocket ship that can fly at least 100 kilometers above ground level and then fly again within two weeks. If successful, the winner will recieve 10 million US dollars from the New Spirit of ST Louis Organization.
Who won the X prize? The people who won the X prize are Robert Weiss and Burt Rutan.
Link (with picture):
Who were some of the top contenders? Some the top contenders were The Canadian arrow team, whose rocket ship manned three people, has four fins at the base for aerodynamic stabillity and propellants are fed to the engine using a pressurized gas system; and the second top contender was the team Armadillo Aerospace whose rocketship design is hydrogen peroxide based and uses an igniter engine with aluminum around the base.
Links: ,

How was the winning rocket designed?

It was designed that space ship one would first be air launched from a jet plane with an 82 ft wingspan. The Space Ship One then has a hybrid rocket motor and a shuttle-cock reentry system with a half wing that folds in the air.

Anonymous said...

Student Number: 5209

Web Resource:
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used: mamma, dogpile, google

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is a $10 million prize awarded to the first privately-funded team that can build a spacecraft that is able to hold three people, can reach atleast 100 kilometers, and can repeat the same flight within two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner

Description: The person who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie and the Scale Composties' team.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: Other designers that competed for the X prize were:
-Brian Feeny & Da Vinci Project with the Wild Fire which is first lifted by a helium balloon, then once it reaches 25 km the rocket detaches itself and is then launched up to 60 km, there the crew capsule separates and is moves into suborbit.
-John Carmach & Armadillo Aerospace with the Black Armadillo which is a single stage rocket that was supossed to reach 105 km with a continuous burn of fuel.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning design worked was SpaceShipOne's engine burns a combination of nitrous oxide and solid rubber fuel. The rocket flips up the back of its wings to provide a stable and gravity powered re-entry.


Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize
Student number: 3207
Search engine I used: I used google

Description: The X Prize is a private race to space were amatuer rocket builders build rockets and fly them into space with a person in it and once they succesfull land they must go up again.

Description: The SpaceShipOne won the x prize with the piolot Brian Binnie.

Links: xprize2_success_041004.html

Description: The SpaceShipOne was one of the top contenders. They were supposed to work competitivly to keep ahead of there competitors.

Description: The way the winning desin worked was that a plane would carry a rocket to high altitude and let it go. Th plane had folding wings

Links: xprize2_success_041004.html and

Anonymous said...

Student Number: 4207

Web Resource:
Search engine I used is dogpile.

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is The a $10,000,000 prize offered as part of an international competition intended to jumpstart the space tourism industry and encourage private development of rocket ships. The prize will be awarded to the first team of entrepreneurs and rocket experts that builds a reusable spaceship that carries two people into space, returns them to earth safely, and repeats the achievement with the same vehicle within two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie, SpaceShipOne's pilot. Paul Allen, who financed the program, Richard Branson, who recently founded Virgin Galactic for space tourism, and Burt Rutan greeted the newly minted astronaut on the runway. Brinnie's family also joined him on the podium.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Other designers that competed for the X prize were Brian Feeny and Brian Bennie and Burt Rutan


How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning design worked was SpaceShipOne will be air launched from a twin turbojet research aircraft with an 82-foot wingspan.The SpaceShipOne made a three-point landing, on two wheels, and nose-mounted skid. The requisite speed is 7 miles per second, or 25 thousand miles an hour.

Anonymous said...

Student Number: 3219

Web Resource:
Search engine I used is dogpile.

What is the X Prize?
Description: The X Prize is The a $10,000,000 prize offered as part of an international competition intended to jumpstart the space tourism industry and encourage private development of rocket ships. The prize will be awarded to the first team of entrepreneurs and rocket experts that builds a reusable spaceship that carries two people into space, returns them to earth safely, and repeats the achievement with the same vehicle within two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie, SpaceShipOne's pilot. Paul Allen, who financed the program, Richard Branson, who recently founded Virgin Galactic for space tourism, and Burt Rutan greeted the newly minted astronaut on the runway. Brinnie's family also joined him on the podium.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Other designers that competed for the X prize were Brian Feeny and Brian Bennie and Burt Rutan


How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning design worked was SpaceShipOne will be air launched from a twin turbojet research aircraft with an 82-foot wingspan.The SpaceShipOne made a three-point landing, on two wheels, and nose-mounted skid. The requisite speed is 7 miles per second, or 25 thousand miles an hour.

Anonymous said...

Student Number:4204

Web Resource:
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used: google

What is the X Prize?
Describe in your own words what the X Prize was and find a supporting web link that verifies the information
Description: The X Prize is a competition to build a provatly funded rocket to reach an altitude of 110 dilometer into suborbital space the rocket must also be reusable.

Who won the X Prize?
What is the name of the person who won and provide supporting web links. Include a picture of the winner
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with his design of SpaceShipOne.


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: The Canadian Arrow built their model in london and designed with a 57000 lbs of thrust, modeled after the v-2 rocket engine. The Canadian da Vinci built their model in Kindersley, Saskatchewan the rocket would be launched not from ground level but from 80,000 feet in the air by being carried there by a reusable helium balloon. It has a wieght of 3200 lb and a length of 16 ft long.
Other designers that competed for the X prize were the Canadian da Vinci Project Team and the Canadian Arrow Team.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was designed to roll in an airplane-like way and be pulled to the hight of about 50,000 feet then would propell itself into space from there.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:4212

Web Resource:
Post the search engine you used to find your website
Search engine I used:GOOGLE AND YAHOO

What is the X Prize?
The X Prize is a world-class prize institute to create additional radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.


Who won the X Prize?
The person who won the X Prize is
Brian Binnie, Space Ship One's Pilot.

Links: , ,

Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description:Other designers that competed for the X prize were Mike Mellville and Brian Feeney.


How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was it had delta wing folds and powered by a hybrid rocket , and was launched from a aircraft called the White Knight at 50,000 feet.

Links: , ,

Anonymous said...

Student Number:5224

Web Resource:

Search engine I

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is a $10,000,000 prize to start the space tourism industry, whos compettitors are entrepreneurs and rocket experts around the world.The rockets from the teams must be launched into space and then be able to be reused in two weeks.

Who won the X Prize?
Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan with SpaceShipOne.

Picture Link:


Who were some of the top contenders?
Name two other contenders and show their design. Describe how they were supposed to work.
Description: Two other contenders were, Da Vinci Project whos leader was Brian Feeney and The Panaero Corporation Team whos leader was Len Cormier. The Da Vinci Project was supposed to work, by having their rocket be carried up to 80,000 feet in the air by a reusable helium balloon. Then it's enigine would start and take off into the space. The Panaero Team was supposed to work, by converting an F-14 into a first-stage reusable launch vehicle. PanAero's design called for a very large wing that they used as a sort of parachute to begin deceleration at an unusually high altitude. It would take them 10 minutes to get to 100km. The rocket could carry a pilot and two passengers.

Links: $

How was the winning rocket designed?
Provide three links that show this design and describe how the rocket worked
Description: The way the winning desin worked was SpaceShipOne was slung underneath the belly of the White Knight aircraft. The White Knight is a turbofan-powered airplane that carries the SpaceShipOne up to 45 to 50,000 feet. From there they drop the spaceship off of the White Knight and it glides for 10 seconds while the pilot sets up,and gets ready for the rocket boost, he throws the switch, and the hybrid rocket motor in the SpaceShipOne accelerates the pilot at about two to three times normal gravity. It accelerates at about twice normal gravity forward and the pilot immediately commences a pullout maneuver to approximately vertical.


Anonymous said...

Period 3

X Prize project

Search engine I used was Google and MSN.

The X Prize is a $10 million prize to encourage the space tourism industry through competition between entrepreneurs and rocket experts of the world.

The person who won the X Prize is Brian Binnie. Brian piloted the Spaceship One which was privately built and flew into suborbital space at a winning height of 367,442 feet.


Other top contenders for the X Prize was Steve Bennett of Britain with the Starchaser rocket. It is a single stage to space rocket, but breaks in two stages before landing..

Another contender as the Da Vinci Project by Brian Feeney. The Spirit of Liberty, a suborbital spacecraft concept of American Astonautics Corporation in California.


The way the winning design worked was by using a hybrid motor. The motor has combined elements from solid and liquid rocket motors. By adding a burst of heat to the fuel you get an explosive blast that can propel it into space. Space Ship One is propelled by a mixture of hydroxyl – terminated polybutadiene (tire rubber) and nitrous oxide (laughing gas).


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 2204

Web Resource:
Search engine I used: Google

What is the X Prize?
The X Prize is a contest for rocket builders from around the world to compete against each other and it is the first non-government human space flights.

Who won the X Prize?
The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and the Mojave Aerospace Ventures team.

Who were some of the top contenders?
Other designers that competed for the X prize were

How was the winning rocket designed?
The way the winning desin worked was it was capable of carrying three people to 100km.

Anonymous said...

Student Number:3211
Search engine I used:google
What is the X Prize?
The X Prize is when diffrent teams build a rocket that has to fit three people in it, and it has to go to an altitude of 100km. The team that wins X Prize will recive 10 million dollars.


Who won the X Prize?

The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and his spaceship, Spaceshipone


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description:Two top contenders for the X prize was the Canadian Arrow team and their rocket is modeled after the V-2 rocket. Also the Armadillo Aerospace, the rocket makes uses of a hydrogen peroxide monopropellant

Other designers that competed for the X prize were the American Astronautics team, and Acceleration Engineering team


How was the winning rocket designed?
Description: The way the winning desin worked was that the team made a twin jet aircraft called the White Knight and it would carry Spaceshipone to about 47,000ft. and then White Knight would release Spaceshipone and after 10sec of falling Spaceshipone's rockets will egnight


Anonymous said...

Internet Research Project--The X Prize

Student Number: 6203

The search engine I used was google.

The X Prize is a $10,000,000 prize to jumpstart the space tourism industry through competition among the most talented entrepreneurs and rocket experts in the world.


The pesrson who won the X Prize was developed aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan. He recieved funding from owner the of Virgin Airlines etc. Sir Richard Branson and software billionarie Paul Allen.


Other designers that competed for the X prize were John Carmack and Brian Feeney. Carmack is the leader of Armadillo Aerospace. His design was an unorthodoxed vehicle without stabilization fins but instead a computer which controled jet vanes. Feeney's design is a rocket-powered spacecraft to be air-launched from a helium balloon at an altitude of about 21 km


The way the winning design worked was that it is carried up 46,000 feet by a peculiar looking jet called White Knight, then released. Before launching, Space Ship One ignites it's rockets engines and shoots straight up to 100km.


Anonymous said...

Student Number:2208

Web Resource: road runner, google

Search engine I used: google

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is people with a goal try to design, build and develop a craft capable of launching three people 62.5 miles into space, and returning them saftly. the winner is awarded a 10 million dollas. the competition is between 27 space educated teams from 7 countries.


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The pesrson who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan and Paul Allen built and flew the world’s first private spacecraft to the edge of space


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description:The craft left a near perfect dovetail of exhaust contrails with the White Knight turbo jet, the rocket ignited for 84 seconds. but sadly after almost a minute the engine shut down. Another competator was Another designer was the Armadillo Aerospace team. the design they used was simple.Ccontrolled jet vanes were used to fly it.

How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning desin worked was that the spacecraft was outfitted with a stronger engine and some aerodynamic modifications from its first record-breaking flight into space on June 21. Also they put two innocuous substances that, when mixed together, are explosive: nitrous oxide and rubber


Anonymous said...

Student Number: 6215

Web Resource:
The search engine I used was Google

What is the X Prize?

Description: The X Prize is a contest that awards $10 million to the first private enterprise that launches three people into space twice in two weeks.


Who won the X Prize?

Description: The person who won the X Prize is Burt Rutan, designer of SpaceShipOne. He was financed by software billionaire Paul Allen. The test pilots were Brian Binnie and Mike Melvill.


Who were some of the top contenders?

Description: Other designers that competed for the X Prize were Geoff Sheerin of Canadian Arrow and John Carmack of Armadillo Aerospace. Geoff Sheerin's design was a two-stage rocket, where John Carmack's design was a vertical take-off and landing rocket with jet vanes instead of stabilization fins.


How was the winning rocket designed?

Description: The way the winning design worked was using a cigar-shaped body with a diameter of one and a half meters. It was built of composite material and had a flared nozzle. The engine could not be controlled throughout the flight except to be turned off. It requires a launch vehicle to take it into the air where the spacecraft then takes over.
